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ALPTRAUM catalogue


Marcus Sendlinger, Germany (UID-Nr: DE200416812)


Hope Ezcurra, U.S.A.

Artworks were donated (in one case lend) to the show by the artists including all permissions.

Copyrights of all photos by Marcus Sendlinger and VG Bild-Kunst. Bonn Germany.

Layout / design: Hope Ezcurra, Long Beach, Cal., U.S.A. and Marcus Sendlinger, Berlin, Germany.

I / we am /are not responsible for the content of the links leading outside of this website (Marcus Sendlinger, Hope Ezcurra)
(Für den Inhalt der ausserhalb dieser Website führenden Links zeichne ich mich / zeichnen wir uns nicht verantwortlich

(Marcus Sendlinger, Hope Ezcurra).

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